Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And So, the Saga Begins!!!!

Well here it is. The first article on my new blog! For a long time, I've been seeing sites like IGN and Gamespot. Every time I see one of these sites, I think about how cool it would be to go to be able to contact and talk to all of these video game companies and go to E3. After a bit of careful contemplation, I decided that instead of thinking about it, why don't I just start my own blog and review technology and video games myself? Sure, it won't be anything like actually working for IGN, but I can still have fun!

I may not be able to review the newest technology for a while, or at least until I can start getting some people viewing this blog, but I'll try to stay as current as possible on a relatively small budget.

Things that you can expect to be reviewed on this blog are:

Video Games
TV Shows

I'm also planning on writing some just for fun articles, about my all time favorites in video games, movies, TV shows, and books!

So read on, young padawan, and may the force be with you!

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