Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scott Pilgrim VS the World!!

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I was going to give a good long review about Inception, but then I didn't get around to it. Everyone else has got their opinion on that movie, and mine isn't any different, so I decided to go give you a review on the new movie "Scott Pilgrim VS the World".

This movie is kind of a tribute to people who grew up on the super nintendo and comic books, and it did a great job of that. I'm not going to spoil anything but if you are familiar to games like the Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy, then you are going to see little references in the movie. Don't worry though, even if you are just a casual gamer, or know what a comic book is, this movie can be very fun.

The story is nothing revolutionary. It starts out with an awkward gamer in his early 20's (who is obviously played my Micheal Cera) who is dating a chinese high school girl named Knives. He doesn't really seem to like Knives that much, and soon into the movie he meets a girl named Ramona who is an attractive, pink haired delivery girl for Amazon. Micheal Cera and Ramona begin to date, and it's not until after they start dating that Ramona mentions that he has to fight her seven evil exes before they can date in peace.

This brings me to the next section which is the special effects and animation. Throughout the entire movie, there are comic book like effects. When the phone rings, a big RIIIIIIIIIING!!!! runs across the screen like you are reading a comic book. These little touches make the whole movie memorable, especially the fight scenes which are all choreographed to be like a video game or a comic book. I don't want to give a lot away about the fighting because it's something that is better if you see it.

All in all this movie was really good. It had a couple places where the story was weak, but the movie was more about having a good watching experience then a great story. It was very funny, and had really awesome actions scenes. I would recommend it to anyone who grew up on comic books or video games.

I would give this movie a 4/5

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