Thursday, February 17, 2011

Albums I like

I'm going to start posting some good albums that you all need to listen to. These will be albums that I really can't get enough of and should be worth your time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scott Pilgrim VS the World!!

I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I was going to give a good long review about Inception, but then I didn't get around to it. Everyone else has got their opinion on that movie, and mine isn't any different, so I decided to go give you a review on the new movie "Scott Pilgrim VS the World".

This movie is kind of a tribute to people who grew up on the super nintendo and comic books, and it did a great job of that. I'm not going to spoil anything but if you are familiar to games like the Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy, then you are going to see little references in the movie. Don't worry though, even if you are just a casual gamer, or know what a comic book is, this movie can be very fun.

The story is nothing revolutionary. It starts out with an awkward gamer in his early 20's (who is obviously played my Micheal Cera) who is dating a chinese high school girl named Knives. He doesn't really seem to like Knives that much, and soon into the movie he meets a girl named Ramona who is an attractive, pink haired delivery girl for Amazon. Micheal Cera and Ramona begin to date, and it's not until after they start dating that Ramona mentions that he has to fight her seven evil exes before they can date in peace.

This brings me to the next section which is the special effects and animation. Throughout the entire movie, there are comic book like effects. When the phone rings, a big RIIIIIIIIIING!!!! runs across the screen like you are reading a comic book. These little touches make the whole movie memorable, especially the fight scenes which are all choreographed to be like a video game or a comic book. I don't want to give a lot away about the fighting because it's something that is better if you see it.

All in all this movie was really good. It had a couple places where the story was weak, but the movie was more about having a good watching experience then a great story. It was very funny, and had really awesome actions scenes. I would recommend it to anyone who grew up on comic books or video games.

I would give this movie a 4/5

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lost Series Finale Review

Lost has been one of my favorite, if not my favorite, shows ever. I have to admit, however, that I did not start watching it when it first debuted in 2004. No, I was actually very late jumping on the Lost bandwagon. I started in January of this year. That's right. I watched every single episode (some of them more than once) between January and, well, when it ended last Sunday. But because of this, I have had an advantage over many Lost fans, because I watched every season recently, and didn't have much time to forget what about the earlier seasons.

Now to get on with the review. Season 6 of lost has been a love/hate relationship for me. When it first started, I was thrilled to see the whole "alternate reality" flash sideways thing. Lost has always been a character driven, rather than a plot driven show, and seeing what the characters would have done if the plane had never crashed really appealed to me. Going back to the mythical roots of the island also seemed to be a good idea to me, but I also think that it came a little too late. After seeing all of the science fiction and time travel the island was capable of, it seemed a bit weird to go back to the beginning with almost no mention of technology or the DHARMA initiative. Still, I was excited for Lost to return, and I was willing to forgive some of the fallacies in the earlier part of the season. Well, at least until the series finale came along.

The finale started off on a good enough note. Desmond received the remains of Christian Shepherd, and Hurley and Sayid went to collect Charlie to get him to play for the mysterious concert scheduled that night. All of the characters meeting up again in the side flashes I think was a really good way to end the series, because seeing people that have died, or we haven't seen that much of in a while, was really refreshing, and fun. I also liked how these flash sideways were in some mysterious way related to the islanders who were on "Island Present".

It's made apparent in the finale from the very beginning (or even the ending of the last episode) that Desmond was the key factor in destroying, or saving the island. Now I must admit, that I am a huge Desmond fan. He is arguably my favorite character in the whole series. The problem with this whole Desmond thing is, though, that the islanders never really seem to know why they need Desmond, until Jack throws him down the hole filled with light with no understanding of why he did it. Now maybe Jack turning into Jacob made him super smart or something, but I don't think that throwing Desmond into the same hole that the smoke monster wants to throw him into is a good idea. Especially when in the episode "Across the Sea" Jacob's mother warns him not to let anyone go down there, or they might put out the light of the island.

After they put Desmond in the hole, he uncorks the island and everything starts imploding. The smoke monster thinks he won, at least until Jack punches him in the face, and he starts bleeding. Putting the light out makes the smoke monster mortal? I have no idea how that works, but it sure is convenient! Anyway, after Jack gets hit in the head and knocked out, the smoke monster runs to get off the island, and then we were met with one of the billion commercial breaks! Seriously, when they said that they were going to make the show a half hour longer, I didn't know they just meant adding a half hour of commercials. Oh well, I guess that's just television!

The next thing I want to discuss is the fight that Jack has with smokey. This battle started up really well, and I was ready for an awesome fight to the death! I sort of got a cool fight, but then Locke was killed with a shot to the back by none other then Kate Austen. I don't know about you, but I felt pretty ripped off by such a disappointing death to an enemy that was the biggest baddie on the island for the whole show since season 1. Oh, and why could the smoke monster leave when Jack was Jacob anyway? I guess it was because the island light was out, but they never did a very good job of explaining that!

Lost should be commended for how emotional the flash sideways experiences were, however. I especially liked Claire and Charlie's reunion. This was a great way to show how all the characters in the series were able to see each other again. The only problem with the flash sideways so far, is that there is no Mr. Eko, Walt, Micheal, or a lot of other characters there. This might be because they couldn't get all the actors to return to the cast. Maybe Micheal is still trapped on the island, but I really don't see why Sayid and Ben get off scott free, and Micheal doesn't.

I was really excited when Jack made Hurley the new Jack. Or Jacob. I'm not really sure anymore. The only bad thing about this is that they never showed what happened to Hurley and Ben after this happened. I guess the writers just wanted us to figure it out for ourselves, but this just seemed like a cheap way out to me. One of the things I was most looking forward to in the finale was when they showed the future of the island. But this never happened.

When Jack decides to go down to the light, I was wondering why they needed Desmond at all if Jack can just go down there and fix everything. All Desmond ended up doing was screwing everyone over. Also what ever happened to Desmond? I guess he was just stranded on the island with Hurley and Ben until he died.

When the survivors went to the Ajira plane to fly off the island, it seemed a little far fetched that three people could fix the plane so fast. But Lost is always a little far fetched, so I can forgive that. The thing that bugged me about the plane is the same thing with Hurley and Ben. They never showed what happened to the people that escaped the island. Do they go crazy and decide they want to go back to the island for the billionth time? Who knows. What did Richard do once he left the island? He hasn't been in the real world full time since the 1700's! For all we know, the plane crashed or blew up before it ever made it home.

I pretty much guessed that Jack would die at the end of the series finale in like the second season. So this didn't come as a surprise to me. I actually loved this scene. The music was great, and I liked how Vincent went and laid down next to him when he died so he didn't die alone. I thought that this was the most touching and best part of the episode.

Finally, we get to know what these side flashes mean! Of course we have no idea, and we think the writers have something awesome cooked up. But, of course we are let down, and they just say everyone is dead. Way to take the easy way out! Though kind of a disappointing end, I still really liked the reunion of the characters, so I can forgive the writers since this scene was done so well.

The bottom line is, the season finale was only mediocre. Though providing us with a few cool action scenes, and a lot of nostalgia, there were very few answers given, and the only thing the ending did was ask more questions. I'm still a big fan of Lost, and though the finale was kind of a disappointment, I commend the writers for taking us on an excellent six year journey. I'm sad that Lost had to end, but I'm glad that Lost wasn't dragged on like so many TV shows are today. All in all, I didn't hate the finale, and Lost had a great 6 year run that ended at the perfect time.

I would give the finale 3/5 stars.

And So, the Saga Begins!!!!

Well here it is. The first article on my new blog! For a long time, I've been seeing sites like IGN and Gamespot. Every time I see one of these sites, I think about how cool it would be to go to be able to contact and talk to all of these video game companies and go to E3. After a bit of careful contemplation, I decided that instead of thinking about it, why don't I just start my own blog and review technology and video games myself? Sure, it won't be anything like actually working for IGN, but I can still have fun!

I may not be able to review the newest technology for a while, or at least until I can start getting some people viewing this blog, but I'll try to stay as current as possible on a relatively small budget.

Things that you can expect to be reviewed on this blog are:

Video Games
TV Shows

I'm also planning on writing some just for fun articles, about my all time favorites in video games, movies, TV shows, and books!

So read on, young padawan, and may the force be with you!